Cafe Health



flexible spending account

If you could save up to 30% on everyday expenses, would you? What if you could have that money provided to you in advance and pay it back over the course of the year?

A Flexible Spending Account is a special account you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs with pre-tax dollars. Many people do not even realize that they could be paying less for dependent care, glasses, the dentist and even everyday items like sunblock and band aides.


How it works ?

A Medical FSA covers general-purpose health expenses, a Limited Medical FSA that covers qualifying dental, vision and preventive care expenses and can also be paired with a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and a Health Savings Account (HSA), and a Dependent Care FSA that lets participants save money on childcare and after school programs.

Employees Benefits

  • Track FSA payroll contribution deposits and payment history
  • Learn more through our specialized self-help tools
  • Store and view real-time healthcare spending information on our 24/7 online dashboard

Employers Benefits

  • Communicate using proven tools to drive enrollment and educate
  • Receive insightful data regarding utilization of the accounts in your population through trend reporting
  • Integrate with all account types for a seamless experience that maintains compliance for you and your employees